Lambeth cycle routes map

The London cycle map

10 October 2022

Your request 

Under the Freedom of Information Act, could you please provide the highlighted information, namely:

  • Questions 1 and 2: please provide a copy of the data that Lambeth Council supplied to TfL for the purposes for creating the Lambeth Cycle Map
  • Question 5: can you tell me if cycling is currently permitted on the path across Streatham Common (heading south from Valley Road), or does the current bye law that "No person shall without reasonable excuse ride a cycle in the ground except in any part of the ground where there is a right of way for cycles or a designated route for cycling" apply, as per the Council's published bye-laws for parks and open spaces
  • Question 12: can you tell me why Lambeth Council took the decision not to request TfL to show various existing cycle routes on the Lambeth Cycle Map, including 

Our response