Lambeth Borough Council paper and card recycling

06 December 2022

Your request  

• What are the contractual performance KPI's for this contract?

• Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages

• Who is the current supplier?

• Actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to the current date

• Are there any processing facilities or MRFs utilised within the contract if so what the names and addresses?

• How is your fibre processed (baled or loose)?

• Where is the end destination of the fibre?

• What is your current collection method (dual stream, single source, kerbside sort or comingled)

• What tonnage per year do you produce by fibre grade?

• Start date & duration of framework/contract?

• Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?

• Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension?

• Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?

• Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?

• Are there any plans to change the existing service?

Our response

We consider that the EIR is the correct legislation for this response.

We note that Section 2(EIR) defines Environmental Information as follows:-

Environmental Information has the same meaning as in Article 2(1) of the Directive, namely any information in written, visual, aural, electronic or any other material form on— 

a) the state of the elements of the environment, such as air and atmosphere, water, soil, land, landscape and natural sites including wetlands, coastal and marine areas, biological diversity and its components, including genetically modified organisms, and the interaction among these elements; 

b) factors, such as substances, energy, noise, radiation or waste, including radioactive waste, emissions, discharges and other releases into the environment, affecting or likely to affect the elements of the environment referred to in (a); 

c) measures (including administrative measures), such as policies, legislation, plans, programmes, environmental agreements, and activities affecting or likely to affect the elements and factors referred to in (a) and (b) as well as measures or activities designed to protect those elements;

(d) reports on the implementation of environmental legislation;

(e) cost-benefit and other economic analyses and assumptions used within the framework of the measures and activities referred to in (c); and 

(f) the state of human health and safety, including the contamination of the food chain, where relevant, conditions of human life, cultural sites and built structures inasmuch as they are or may be affected by the state of the elements of the environment referred to in (a) or, through those elements, by any of the matters referred to in (b) and (c); 

We consider that this request will fall within all subsections of the EIR.

* What are the contractual performance KPI's for this contract?

Lambeth’s paper and card is processed by the Borough’s Waste Disposal Authority, Western Riverside Waste Authority (WRWA). WRWA manage the recycling arrangements through its contractor Cory. The London Borough of Lambeth does not have any direct involvement in the procurement or KPIs associated with this contract.

* Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages


* Who is the current supplier?


* Actual spend on this contract/framework (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to the current date


* Are there any processing facilities or MRFs utilised within the contract if so what the names and addresses?

Paper and card is collected by the Authority’s Waste Collection contractor, Serco along with plastic, glass and cans. This waste stream is then delivered at the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)  managed by WRWA located at Smugglers Way in Wandsworth.  

* How is your fibre processed (baled or loose)?

Separately collected paper from Lambeth’s Household Reuse and Recycling Centre (RRC) is sent to a secondary processing facility loose. All paper that is processed through the Smugglers Way MRF will be sent out baled to various off-takers in the UK and EU. This is managed by WRWA.

* Where is the end destination of the fibre?

I can confirm that we have reviewed this part of your request but consider that the information is commercially sensitive and therefore we are unable to provide it. We therefore engage Regulation 12(5e) to this part of the request.

Regulation 12 (5)(e) Confidentiality of commercial or industrial information

12.—(5) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), a public authority may refuse to disclose information to the extent that its disclosure would adversely affect—

 (e) the confidentiality of commercial or industrial information where such confidentiality is provided by law to protect a legitimate economic interest

The Authority considers this information to be exempt information as disclosure is likely to prejudice the commercial interests of Cory, Western Riverside Waste Authority’s waste management contractor.  We can confirm that currently all off-takers are UK or EU-based.    

As this request relates to Environmental Information; we have also considered the public interest in disclosure/maintaining the exception.

Public Interest in Disclosure  

We note Regulation 12(2) EIR has a presumption of disclosure.

We also consider that disclosure would increase the public’s understanding of this issue and we note the general benefit in transparency where possible.  

Public Interest in maintaining the exception 

It is not in the public interest to provide commercially sensitive information if it would mean that the Council cannot attract future suppliers as we cannot then achieve the best value for money for our residents. 

* What is your current collection method (dual stream, single source, kerbside sort or comingled)

Paper and card is collected by the Authority’s Waste Collection contractor commingled as part of a kerbside collection service. 

* What tonnage per year do you produce by fibre grade?

Between April 2021 to March 2022 65 tonnes of paper/ card from Lambeth’s RRC was delivered to WRWA. Segregated tonnage from the commingled waste stream specifically from Lambeth is not available. This is processed through the MRF at smugglers Way which handles waste from four boroughs.

* Start date & duration of framework/contract?


* Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?


* Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension?


* Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?


* Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract?


* Are there any plans to change the existing service?