Income from events in parks

Information on the income from Lambeth events in Lambeth parks.

23 February 2022

Your request

Has it been confirmed that Lambeth events do not maintain any record of the income from the events they manage annually in each park? Given that you will need to have established how the information is kept in order to decide that it would take too long to answer, are you able to elaborate on what makes income derived from recent events in Brockwell Park and on Clapham quite so unusually difficult to access.

Our response

We have been able to retrieve the following data now which we hope will assist

Total income generated in each of the past 5 fiscal years from events held :

a. in Lambeth Parks and Open Spaces: 2019 - £958,092.40, 2020 - £57,901.04, 2021 - £161,530.50

b. in Brockwell Park: 2019 - £267,134.70, 2020 - £28,911.68, 2021 - £50,950.97

c. on Clapham Common: 2019 - £525,551.40, 2020 - £11,225.55, 2021 - £16,712.26