Homeless Policy Training

Lambeth council’s homeless policy and procedures

21 September 2022

Your questions

1. Do you have a homelessness policy?

2. Has a homeless health needs audit been completed?

3. Has a local homelessness review been completed to consider health and wellbeing and the role of health services?

4. Do you provide training for those working with people experiencing homelessness in health care services e.g., standards for GP receptionists in primary care and practice managers?

5. Do you have Pathways/protocols/ services in place to prevent homelessness at discharge from hospital (including mental health and on release from prison)?

6. Do you have a multidisciplinary team that works with people who are homeless?

Our response

1.  Yes,  see this link to Lambeth’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping strategy.

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and Action Plan (lambeth.gov.uk)

2. Yes

3. Yes, the Housing Needs service is part of Lambeth Together, which is an integrated local care partnership helping Lambeth residents have better access to health and care so they can lead happier, healthy lives.

4. No

5.  Yes, we have specialist officers working within the housing needs service

6. No