Family Information Services websites

Information about websites, platforms and systems used across the council.

07 February 2022

Your request and our response

1. Who currently supplies your Local Offer and Family Information Services websites and who is responsible internally for this?

Both our SEND Local Offer pages and Families Information Service (FIS) pages are internal, sitting on the Lambeth Council website. We are not using a third-party supplier for these websites.

Overall responsibility for the SEND Local Offer sits with Adam Yarnold our lead for SEN. Oversight and management of SEND Local Offer pages however will soon sit with the FIS (pending the conclusion of an active recruitment process).

Regarding your request for the name of the person responsible, we consider disclosure would breach the Data Protection Act 2018 and therefore engage Section 40(2): Personal Data to this request as per below:

The definition of personal data is set out in provision 3 of the Data Protection Act 2018 as follows:-

"(2)“Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable living individual

(3)“Identifiable living individual” means a living individual who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to—

(a)an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data or an online identifier, or

(b)one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of the individual."

We note this request asks for information which would allow an individual(s) to be identified.

I have considered whether it would be fair to disclose the information including whether disclosure would cause any unnecessary or unjustified damage or distress to the individual concerned; the individual’s reasonable expectations of what would happen to their information; and balancing the rights and freedoms of the data subject with legitimate interests.

In this case, I can confirm that it would not be fair to the individuals to disclose information about their role/responsibilities as it could cause distress to the individuals.

I do not consider that the individuals would expect the council to disclose any information which may allow them to be identified. Although I acknowledge the legitimate interest in disclosing general information relating to this detail, I do not consider the legitimate interest overrides the rights and freedoms of the individual on this occasion.

In accordance with Section 17 FOIA this letter represents a Refusal Notice for this request.

2. Who currently supplies your Adult Social Care directory website and who is responsible for this?

Age UK Lambeth

3. What platform or system do you use for Education services, including admissions?

Servelec Synergy for the database, and the London Grid For Learning Adept platform as well as the full Microsoft suite (e.g., Word, Excel) 

4. What system or platform do you currently use to facilitate the EHC assessment, planning and review process and who is the main contact for this area?

Mosaic has an Education, Health and Care Plan, which is used by SEN teams. SEN also use Idox Open Objects, which run the Lambeth EHC HUB.

a. Do you currently offer 'portal' functionality for families and or other professionals? Including the ability to view or submit information online

Work is underway for portal integration development, with a view to development in Q2/3 of this year (This is a Servelec module)

5. What case management system do you use in Adults Services?


6. What case management system do you use in Children's Services?
