Digital display boards

Display units in Lambeth

9 July 2022

Your questions

  • could you provide the number of digital display board (free-standing or otherwise) currently installed on pavements or footways in Lambeth.
  • could you also provide the cost of installation to Lambeth Council.
  •  could you also provide the annual (or other time frame) cost of maintenance (including but not limited to the electrical power used).

Our response

  • there are 31 digital displays on free-standing units known as 'Street Hubs' (formerly called 'BT InLink').  The council does not own or operate these Street Hub units; they are operated by a company called Global and were introduced to replace old telephone boxes, providing additional utilities such as free wi-fi, mobile phone coverage and USB charging facilities.   At the current time, the Council does not have any other digital display boards installed on pavements or footways in Lambeth. Any digital displays on bus shelters are operated by Transport for London. 
  • there is no cost of installation to Lambeth Council. 
  • as mentioned above, these units are not owned or operated by Lambeth Council, therefore there are no associated maintenance or running costs.