Council owned 3 bedroom properties available to let from. 04/05/2018.

Number of 3 bedroom council properties available to let

26 August 2022

Your requests

  1. the total number of 3 bedroom properties, council owned that have become available to let from. 04/05/2018.
  2. how these properties were allocated, family housing band and their priority dates. No personal information is required.
  3. please say if the families were from transfer from council properties or homeless families with homeless duty under s193.
  4. please provide copy of the policy that says if a council tenant is in rent arrears they are not eligible to have residents permits. I have requested copy of this policy but have not been sent to me. I would like to have a sight of one.

Our response

1,2,3 and 4 please see the spreadsheet attached

4. the tenants handbook, attached, page 38 states:

  • please note that if you have rent arrears, you will not be able to:  Rent a garage or parking space and, if you already have one, it may be taken away from you
  • however, we do exercise our discretion and if there is an agreement in place which has been kept to for a period of at least 3 months we can make an exception.
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