Cladding on schools in Lambeth

Information on schools fitted with cladding containing aluminium composite material in Lambeth.

01 February 2022

Your request

I would like a list of schools in Lambeth that are fitted with cladding containing aluminium composite material.

I would like to know the Red-Amber-Green (RAG) fire safety rating of any schools in Lambeth that are fitted with cladding containing aluminium composite material.

I would like this information presented to me in the body of an email or in a Word or Excel document.

Our response

Building Condition Surveys were carried out in 2021 for 84 schools managed by Lambeth.

These surveys provide an overall description of the main building elements such as external walls. The surveys also record the current condition, size, age and fitness for purpose of all of the building external and internal elements, including mechanical and electrical elements.

These building condition surveys have now been reviewed and there are no indications that any of those schools are fitted with cladding containing aluminium composite material (ACM's).