Childcare provider invoices

16 December 2022

Your request

I would like to know the required format for an invoice sent by a childcare provider to a parent. Please let me know how the following information should be displayed: government funding, voluntary contributions, extras and meals.

Our response

Lambeth Council's finance department confirm there is no prescribed format or contact.

The Early Years Business and Workforce Development Team also confirm that there is no required invoice format for early years childcare providers, as they run private businesses with different finance and accounting systems. They advise that their contract regarding their funding arrangements however states as follows:-

The Provider shall ensure their invoices and receipts are clear, transparent and itemised, allowing parents to see that they have received thier funded entitlement completely free of charge and understand fees paid for additional hours. The provider will also ensure that receipts contain their full details so that they can be identified as coming from a specific provider.