Care and support providers in the borough

Information on care and support providers and who to make referrals/​nominations to.

10 March 2022

Your request and our response

1. I would like to request a list of care/support providers within the borough, including for the following:

* Young people

This information cannot be provided as a request for clarification was not responded to within the deadline given which was 02 March 2022

If you would still like this information, please relog this query noting specifically if when requesting this info you mean in borough (Lambeth based providers and the age range of the Young People you are requesting information of care provision for, otherwise the list may not be relevant or be too broad.

* Domestic violence or sexual abuse

Commissioned services are the Gaia Centre (run by Refuge) for community based VAWG support and Solace Women’s Aid, Asha and Refuge for our accommodation based services.

* Temporary accommodation

Income Max
Centre 70

* Homelessness

St Mungo's
Thames Reach
Look Ahead

* Rough sleepers

St Mungo's
Thames Reach
Look Ahead

2. I would also like to know which of these providers you have provide referrals/nominations to.

For Young people - please refer to the above response
For Domestic violence or sexual abuse - all
For Temporary accommodation - referrals can be made with consent from the customer.
For Homeless / Rough sleepers - all