Care England 17 December 2021

Data on individuals in supported living and residential care settings with learning disabilities.

18 January 2022

Your request

This request seeks to collect data for individuals living in Supported Living and Residential Care settings with Learning Disabilities and should include those with Learning Disabilities and Autism.  We are not asking for information related to those with only Autism who do not have a Learning Disability.  If the data you return is not in keeping with this requirement, please explain so it can be noted if you have included those with Autism only in your response.

LD Supported Living:

  1. Please complete the following table with the information requested and state the period the data relates to. The data period for the data below should include the latest full calendar month for which this data is available within the last 3 months.  Please confirm the month the data is related to:   __________________



Mean Number of Hrs per week

Mean hourly rate paid

Median hourly rate paid

Lowest hourly rate paid

Highest hourly rate paid

Hours provided during the day

Wake hours provided during the night

Sleep-ins provided

Residential LD Care:

  1. Please complete the following table with the information requested for the period stated.  The data period for the data below should include the latest full calendar month for which this data is available and consist of 6 months data in total.  Please confirm the period the data is related to:   __________________

(2021 Residential)


Mean rate paid

Median rate paid

Lowest rate paid

Highest rate paid

Placements within the last 6 months

Placements in home longer than 6 months

Current total placements today

(2021 Residential Care with Nursing)


Mean rate paid

Median rate paid

Lowest rate paid

Highest rate paid

Placements within the last 6 months

Placements in home longer than 6 months

Current total placements today

  1. Please outline the 2022-23 timeline for Supported Living and Residential LD care fee uplifts.  Please include the process undertaken to establish provider costs, the internal review process and any benchmarking process undertaken, stating the decision makers, and timeline up to and including engagement and communication with providers through to applying any uplift agreed.
  2. Please provide the annual fee uplift information below for the last 5 years:

(Supported Living)


Percentage uplift

Number of Providers receiving this uplift

Number of Individuals receiving this uplift




(Residential Care)


Percentage uplift

Number of Providers receiving this uplift

Number of Individuals receiving this uplift




(Residential Care with Nursing)


Percentage uplift

Number of Providers receiving this uplift

Number of Individuals receiving this uplift




Our response

Please find the data on the attached spreadsheet.

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