Carbon reduction strategy

Council production of CO2

29 August 2022

Your requests

  1. how much CO2 does the council produce under Scopes 1, 2 and 3?

2. how often does the council calculate your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?

3. which of the council’s activities are included in your Scope 3 emissions calculations?

4. what is the estimated financial budget to meet your Net Zero/Carbon Neutral target?

5. how much has been spent to date in reaching your Net Zero/Carbon Neutral target?

6. how are you financing this investment?

Our response

1. see Annex 2 of the Council’s Emissions Report, available here:

2. annually.

3. see Annex 2 of the Council’s Emissions Report, available here:  

4. an overall analysis of the cost of Net Zero is still being developed. However, an initial capital budget of £20,150,000 for Climate Change initiatives has been allocated along with related spend embedded within the budgets of related services like Housing, Waste and Highways”

5. £692,000.00.

6. spend is expected to be financed by a mixture of grants, developer contributions and borrowing.