Major works to your home

We carry out major works in order to maintain and improve our housing stock.

Major works calculations

Each property has a rateable value (RV) based on its size and location. Estate rateable values (ERV) are calculated by adding together the RVs for all the properties on the estate.

Similarly, block rateable values (BRVs) are calculated by adding together the RVs for all the properties in the block.

We work out the cost for major works by using rateable values. We divide the cost of works to the estate by the ERV and multiply this by your property RV.

For example:

  • Total cost = £7,681.39 (A)
  • Block RV = 603 (B)
  • Property RV = 376 (C)

So property cost = £4,789.72 (D) - A divided by B, multiplied by C, equals D.