Swapping or moving home

You can swap your home with another council or housing association tenant in Lambeth or anywhere else in the country, if your landlord agrees.

Helping you move to a smaller property

The council urgently needs larger properties for families who are living in overcrowded or unsuitable homes. So, we have a few incentives in place to encourage under-occupiers to downsize. We also encourage people to move to general purpose accommodation if they no longer require their wheelchair-adapted property.

Benefits of downsizing from your current home may include:

  • reduced utility bills and council tax
  • a more suitable property for your needs
  • a more manageable house
  • a home closer to family, friends and work
  • the chance for a new beginning in a new home.

We do not currently have enough large and wheelchair-adapted homes to meet demand in Lambeth.

What are the incentives?

Lambeth tenants who are under-occupiers could get the following incentives depending on how they move.

  • Transfer Incentive Scheme - Under-occupiers are given very high priority to bid for a smaller property. We normally offer £500 for each bedroom an under-occupier gives up. We will also pay removal expenses and the costs of disconnecting and reconnecting gas and electricity supplies for those who move through Choice Based Lettings (within Lambeth and up to the value of £500).
  • Under-occupiers can also bid for both their allowed property size and one bedroom larger, provided that they are still downsizing. But, they cannot be nominated to most housing association properties which are larger than their allowed property size.

To be considered for this scheme, you need to complete the online Transfer. You will then be given your bidding details and you can bid online each week for the properties that you may be interested in. You do not need to contact the Area Office as once the Transfer is created on Northgate, the system automatically places you in the correct banding. 

If you move through Choice Based Lettings, we will pay for reasonable removal costs if the move is within Lambeth.

Who qualifies for this scheme?

Lambeth Council tenants.

  • You must be living in a property with two or more bedrooms and want to move to a property with fewer bedrooms - alternatively, you may be living in a wheelchair-adapted property which you no longer require, and want to move to general-purpose accommodation.
  • You must have adhered to the conditions of your tenancy.
  • You must have no rent arrears or be willing to agree with the council that the incentive can be used as payment to clear any arrears you do have.

Tips for bidding

  • Applying does not commit you to anything and you will have the final say about where you move.
  • You can bid for council or housing association homes.
  • You may be able to move more quickly if you bid as widely and regularly as possible.
  • If you are aged 60 or over, or 55 and over with a disability, you can bid for a property in a sheltered housing scheme, subject to eligibility.
  • Properties are advertised on a weekly cycle. New advertisements appear on Wednesdays showing the week’s available properties. You then have until midnight on the following Sunday to bid for a property. You can bid at any time in this period.
  • Bidding is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays and we will make a shortlist of the highest bidders and invite them to view the property.

Downsizing through mutual exchange

We also offer an incentive to applicants who downsize through home swaps. Tenants who downsize by swapping with an overcrowded family will qualify for a cash incentive of £500 per bedroom given up.

Tenants who move this way will not normally be eligible for assistance with removals. Contact your area office to discuss if any move you are planning is eligible for the downsizing incentive.

Housing Moves

If you are a Lambeth tenant who is interested in moving to another London borough and have had a clear rent account for at least two years, you can register with the pan-London mobility scheme Housing Moves.

If you downsize through that scheme, we will give you £500 incentive money per bedroom given up, first put towards any arrears. However, you will not qualify for assistance with removal expenses.

Incentive payments

Claims for any incentive payment must be made within 28 days of moving.

Payments under £1,001 will be made via the post office. Payments over this amount will be paid into your bank account, once you have provided details. The payment process can take up to 28 working days once started, and money will first be put towards any arrears on your rent account.

The incentive fund is cash limited and may be stopped or reduced at any time. Assistance with removals is not covered unless agreed in advance.

The cash incentive is only available for moves through the Lambeth Choice Base Lettings scheme, mutual exchange and Housing Moves and is not available if you move to a smaller home independently.