Apply to buy a redundant space on a housing estate

Use this guide to help you when applying to buy an area of a property that is no longer in use.

A redundant communal space is an area of a property that is no longer in use. This could be anything from a loft space or basement, to sheds and storage cupboards.

Some of these spaces may have become redundant:

  • where the spaces housed communal services that served the whole building, such as gas meters, hot water and electrical intakes
  • over time through property modernisation, such as having new and improved combi-boilers installed.

Instead of leaving them empty, the landlord may have decided that it would be mutually beneficial for both landlord and leaseholders if these areas could be sold off.

This way, the landlord does not waste money on maintaining an empty space and the leaseholder can purchase a space that can improve or expand their living conditions.