Ms Maureen Bird

I am an Ofsted registered childminder based in the Clapham Common area. I provide childcare on a part time basis and can also offer drop of and pick up from St Marys Nursery in Crescent Lane Clapham. I provide care in a child friendly safe learning environment with an outside play area. I have attended many childcare courses over the years and have achieved my BA Hons in Education. I have many years experience caring for a diverse range of children and have worked with children who have ADS.

Additional information

For more information about fees please visit



United Kingdom



  • Start date: 15/10/1984
  • End date: Still available

Opening times

Day Start time End time
Monday 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM 5:00 PM

School pick up

School name Morning Afternoon
Saint Mary's Catholic Primary School Yes Yes

Funded places

Type Accepted
2 year old funding Yes
3 and 4 year old funding (15 hours) Yes
3 and 4 year old funding (30 hours) Yes
Funding can be stretched over the year No


  • English

Age range

From 0 to 8

Supporting people with

  • Autism (ASD)
Record last modified on: 10/05/2024