Dwayne Simpson Foundation Summer Programme

Our programme will consist of workshops around sport, cooking, arts and craft, gardening, the arts, music, gaming and free time. There will be different activities on each day which young people will have a part of deciding. We will also provide a quiet space for those wishing to read. All workshops will be delivered by a qualified coach.

Our service is suitable for children with SEN and we have a long track record of engaging positively with children who have additional needs. We will also have additional staff to help give children that require it extra attention if needed.



Dwaynamics Community Centre (Inside Loughborough Park)
Moorland Road
United Kingdom



  • Start date: 29/07/2024
  • End date: 02/08/2024

Opening times

Day Start time End time
Tuesday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM 3:00 PM

Costs and charges

Can be accessed free of charge

Age range

From 4 to 16

Record last modified on: 24/06/2024