Norwood Park Stay And Play One O'Clock Club

Come along and enjoy playtime with your child, meet some other parents, and pick up tips on how to support your child's development.

Stay and plays vary, with indoor and outdoor play, but all include activities to develop communication and language, social and emotional needs of small children and their phyical development. By attending these sessions, and repeating some favourite activities at home, you will ensure your child is fully supported across the developmental milestones.

You will also leave with a wealth of stories, rhymes and songs that you and your child will love together.
You will also benefit from talking to other parents and carers, and from talking to children's centre staff, whose shared experience of early years will either answer your questions or signpost you to further support.



One O Clock Club
Norwood Park, Salter's Hill
SE19 1EA
United Kingdom



  • Start date: 24/09/2020
  • End date: Still available

Costs and charges

Can be accessed free of charge

Age range

From 0 to 4

Record last modified on: 28/06/2024