July 2024 Repair Café Lambeth

Mother & child standing with toy and 'fixed' label from the Repairs Cafe at we are 336
Date and time:
Location: We Are 336
Cost: Free no booking needed Neighbourhood: Brixton

Repair Cafe Lambeth is the place to bring broken belongings in need of mending. Our team of volunteer fixers will share their specialist skills - mending household electrical goods, computers, textiles including clothes and toys, and much more - to help you restore items brought from home.

No need to book, you will be seen depending on the availability of volunteers. Please come no later than 12 because you may need to wait for a repairer to be available.  You are welcome to watch what the repairer does and perhaps pick up mending skills yourself. 

Because our monthly events are so popular, please bring only one item from home for us to look at.

Any voluntary donation helps allow us to host future Repair Café Lambeth events.



336 Brixton Rd
United Kingdom
