Creative Menopause Café Workshops

creative menopause workshop poster
Date and time:
Location: Streatham Library
Cost: Free Neighbourhood: Streatham

Join photographer Denise Baker, writer Nichola Charalambou, and textile artist Tisna Westerhof as they lead a series of five free interconnecting Creative Menopause Café workshops run over five terms in London libraries. The workshops will offer women the opportunity to learn new creative skills in photography, writing and textile art, in a supportive, empowering environment, while exploring their own stories and journeys related to menopause and growing older. Attend as many workshops as you would like, no prior experience needed. Creative work will culminate in an exhibition in an art gallery. Contact to ensure your space.

Individual stories told through textile projects that will lead to a final exhibition

The project is sponsored by Lottery Funded - The Arts Council England



63 Streatham High Road
SW16 1PN
United Kingdom


Contact details

Contact name: Vincia Bennett
Contact job title: Library Manager
Contact phone: 020 7926 6768
Enquiries email: