Charge points

Find out about charging for electric vehicles.

There are different types of charge points available. All charge points are available on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Find your nearest charge point on Zap Map 

Lamp column charge points

To minimise street clutter, we have installed some of our lamp columns with charge points. 

These lower power charge points (3-5kw) are managed by Ubitricity and and are well-suited to charging vehicles which will be parked for several hours or overnight.

Lamp column charge points are our preferred solution for residential streets as they keep the footway clear.

We are constantly expanding our network and have just added a further 116 charge points, including 10 replacements for charge points removed due to safety considerations. 

We hope to add over 150 more in the coming months, taking our network to over 500 units.

Rapid charge points

The council has also installed more powerful 7 and 22kWh charge points for those who need to charge their vehicles more quickly.

Since 2018, we have installed over 20 rapid 43kw charge points that will be capable of recharging most electric vehicles in around 30 minutes.

 These will be open to all users but will be well-suited to taxis and other heavily utilised commercial vehicles. We will be continuing this over the next few years, taking advantage of technical advances to make vehicle charging even quicker.