Single person discount

If you’re the only person over 18 in your home, you might be able to get a 25% discount on your Council Tax bill.

Single person discount review

If we've contacted you as part of our review of single person discounts, you can use our online form to confirm whether you still qualify for the discount.

We check every year if residents who claim single person discount are still entitled to the discount.

We may cancel your discount if you don't reply when we contact you. You may have to pay a fine if you do not tell us you're no longer entitled to the discount.

If you've received a single person discount review letter or email

To complete your single person discount review, you;ll need your Council Tax account number and your unique identifier number from the letter or email we sent you.

Complete your single person discount review

If you complete the online form, you do not need to return the form included with your letter.