Have your say on a proposed controlled parking zone (CPZ) in the Streatham Hill East area

Open date: Friday, 1 February 2019 at 12.00am Close date: Friday, 15 February 2019 at 12.00am Type: Consultation Neighbourhood: Streatham

Please note this consultation is closed

We're now re-consulting on a decision to introduce a CPZ in the Streatham Hill East area. The consultation has now been extended to 25 January 2019.

Consultation extension, 1 February to 15 February 2019

Why is the consultation being extended?

We have been contacted by a group and various individuals who missed the deadline to participate in the consultation. They have requested to have the consultation extended to give them further opportunity give us their views. After careful consideration a decision was taken to grant this request. .

How long will the consultation be extended for?

The online survey will be re-opened for 2 weeks from 1 February and close on 15 February. Where can I find my Unique Reference Number (URN) to participate in the consultation?

The URN was provided on the address page of the consultation packs sent out to all properties in the consultation area. If anyone requires assistance to locate the Unique Reference Number (URN), you can send an email to cpzconsultation@lambeth.gov.uk quoting reference STREATHAM HILL EAST CPZ.

Why is the consultation being extended?

We have been contacted by a group and various individuals who missed the deadline to participate in the consultation.

They have requested to have the consultation extended to give them further opportunity give us their views. After careful consideration, a decision was taken to grant this request.

How long will the consultation be extended for?

The online survey will be re-opened for 1 week from 17 January and close on 25 January.

Where can I find my Unique Reference Number (URN) to participate in the consultation?

The URN was provided on the address page of the consultation packs sent out to all properties in the consultation area. If anyone requires assistance to locate the Unique Reference Number (URN), you can send an email to cpzconsultation@lambeth.gov.uk quoting reference: Streatham Hill East CPZ

Why we're reconsulting

Following the Council’s decision not to introduce a CPZ in the Streatham Hill East area, we received three separate petitions and numerous requests for this area to be re-consulted.

The main concern from these representations was that the area would experience increased parking pressure once the CPZ’s in the Streatham Hill west area came into force.

The petitions were analysed in conjunction with the results of the previous consultation which took place in November 2017.

The outcome of the analysis indicates that if all the properties who signed the petitions had participated in the original consultation this area would have had a majority in favour of introducing parking controls.

This indicates a shift in overall opinion which provides a mandate for this re-consultation.

All representations and findings were presented in a report to be considered by the Council. After careful consideration, a decision has been made to re-consult the Streatham Hill East area on proposals to introduce parking controls in this area.

You can take a look at the report including the decision below:

What are the plans?

You can take a look at the proposed CPZ for the Streatham Hill East area leaflet to see details of the proposals, as well as view them on a detailed design plan.

The decision on whether or not to proceed with the next step, which would involve a statutory consultation on the proposals, will be subject to the responses received during this informal consultation.

This Stage 1 Consultation is only open to residents and businesses within the consultation area. You will need to provide the unique reference number that was provided in the consultation package we sent out (it’s the code which looks like ‘URN-SHE12345’) when you’re answering the survey.

Where can I find my Unique Reference Number (URN) to participate in the consultation?

The URN was provided on the address page of the consultation packs sent out to all properties in the consultation area. If anyone requires assistance to locate the Unique Reference Number (URN), you can send an email to cpzconsultation@lambeth.gov.uk quoting reference STREATHAM HILL EAST CPZ.

Lambeth proposes CPZ for the Streatham Hill East Area - Love Lambeth Story

How to respond

This consultation ended on Friday 15 February 2019 and is now closed for responses.