Have your say on the Proposal to close or relocate Jubilee Resource Base for Deaf Children

We are seeking your views on the proposal to close or relocate the Deaf resource Base at Jubilee Primary School in Lambeth. We would like to hear from parents, stakeholders, members of the deaf community, practitioners, teaching staff and any other groups these proposals may have an impact on. Your feedback is crucial in helping us make informed decisions that best serve our community. Please complete our online survey within the webpage. 

Open date: Monday, 1 July 2024 at 11.00am Close date: Sunday, 27 October 2024 at 11.59pm Type: Consultation Neighbourhood: Lambeth wide Category:
  • Children, young people and families

The Proposal

The proposal is to close or relocate the resource base by the Summer of 2025 and we would like to hear from parents, stakeholders, members of the deaf community, practitioners, teaching staff and any other groups these proposals may have an impact on. 

Background / Purpose of consultation

The Deaf Resource Base at Jubilee has provided support to deaf students for over 10 years. However, due to consistently low pupil take up, we are considering closing or relocating the base. The consultation provides detailed information about the proposal and seeks your input on alternative options and the overall impact on our students and community. 

Next steps after the consultation closes

We will prepare a report with the summary of findings of the consultation responses.  Organise follow up meetings with key stakeholders and experts to review original proposals and any new alternative suggestions.  Lambeth Council will make a final decision based on the findings, expert advice and the revised proposals.

We will update this page with the outcome of the consultation.

How to respond

Please share your views with us by completing our online survey:

Jubilee Resource Base Survey