
View open consultations Viewing closed consultations
  • Have your say on the proposed cycle hangar locations

    • Lambeth wide

    Following the success of previously installed hangars across Lambeth and the high levels of demand, we are proposing to install 50 new hangars across the borough to help meet the manifesto commitment of providing 5,000 additional secure cycle park

  • Have your say on New Integrated Youth Hubs in Lambeth

    • Lambeth wide
    We want your views on new integrated youth hubs to provide key support services for young people in the borough from one, centralised building as well as support in smaller hubs in your local area. The consultation runs from 9 September to 13 November. Please share your views with us be completing our survey.
    • Children, young people and families
  • Have your say on Lambeth's Carers Strategy - Young Carers

    • Lambeth wide
    We want to hear from young carers to help Lambeth update its Carers Strategy. A lot has changed since the Lambeth Carers Strategy was first written in 2017, and it is important that we take account of these changes. You can have your say by completing our online survey. The consultation is open from 10 October to 6 November 2022.
    • Adult social care and health
    • Children, young people and families
  • Have your say on Lambeth's Carers Strategy

    • Lambeth wide
    We are inviting local carers, community members and professionals to share their views. Lambeth is refreshing it's Carers Strategy. The landscape affecting carers has significantly changed since the Lambeth Carers Strategy was first developed in 2017. We need to take account of these changes and address new challenges which may have arisen. Please have your say by completing our online survey. The consultation is open from 22 September to 6 November 2022.
    • Adult social care and health
  • Have your say on Lambeth’s Air Quality Action Plan 2023-2025

    • Lambeth wide
    We want your views on Lambeth’s proposed Air Quality Action Plan for 2023 to 2025. The consultation runs from the 22 September to 3 November 2022. Please share your views on our Commonplace site.
    • Environmental services
  • Have your say on Lambeth's Draft Gambling Policy 2022-2025

    • Lambeth wide
    We are consulting with our residents, partners, local businesses and community groups on our Gambling Policy. We are consulting on a draft version of the new policy. We would like to hear your views by completing our online survey. The consultation runs from 22 September to 12 October 2022.
    • Business services and licensing
  • Have your say on Lambeth's Health and Wellbeing Strategy

    • Lambeth wide
    We want your views on our proposed priorities for our Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The consultation runs from 22 August 18 September. Please share your views with us by completing the online survey.
    • Adult social care and health
    • Children, young people and families
  • Have your say on the Lambeth Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022

    • Lambeth wide
    We want your views on Lambeth’s 2022 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). Please share your views with us by completing our online survey. The consultation runs from 4th July to 4th September 2022.
    • Adult social care and health
  • Have your say on the safety of women and girls in public spaces in Lambeth

    • Lambeth wide
    We want you to have your say and raise any issues affecting the safety of women and girls. It will allow us to better understand your concerns, perceptions and experiences. We would also welcome information from people who have witnessed something that they think would impact on the safety of women and girls. You can share your views on our Commonplace site. The consultation is open from 3 March to 3 September 2022.
    • Noise nuisance, antisocial behaviour and safety
  • Have your say on our revised draft guidance for new development in Lambeth

    • Lambeth wide
    Lambeth Council is consulting on the Revised Draft Lambeth Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) as part of a two-stage process. The SPD will assist property owners and designers to deliver high quality design outcomes for all development. This second stage consultation runs from 08 July to 02 September 2022. Please share your views with us by completing the online survey on our commonplace site.
    • Planning and building control