Information for practitioners

Information for practitioners on how to provide the best support to victims and survivors of VAWG.

Gaia Centre referrals

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The Gaia Centre (run by Refuge) offers tailored, confidential and independent support to Lambeth residents who are survivors of gender-based violence, including domestic abuse, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, stalking, trafficking, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM), so called ‘honour’ based abuse and forced marriage.

For detailed information on the support and services provided by the Gaia Centre, visit our get help and keep safe page.

Victim and survivors can access support by contacting the Gaia Centre by:

To refer a victim and survivor, with their consent, complete the Gaia Centre referral form (PDF 162KB).

If you are working with a victim and survivor who is not yet ready to access support, you can signpost them to contact the Gaia Centre. You can also contact the Gaia Centre yourself for advice on how best to support them.