Annual reviews of EHCPs

How and why we review an EHCP and what the process is.

We will review an education, health and care plan (EHCP) or statement of SEN every 12 months. If your child is under five, the review will be every six months.

Reviews make sure that the goals and support explained in the EHCP are still the best course of action for the child or young person.

We will always do reviews in partnership with the child or young person and their family.

Reviews will:

  • look at whether the special education given to the child or young person is helping them to make good progress
  • consider any changes to the plan, for example, a change of school, a change to outcomes, or whether the plan is needed anymore
  • set new goals for the year ahead, and new longer-term outcomes where appropriate.

Review meetings

Review meetings are normally held at the child or young person’s school or other place of education.

The following people must be invited, who will have two weeks’ notice of the meeting:

  • The child’s parents or the young person.
  • A representative from the child or young person's school or other place of education.
  • A Lambeth Council SEN officer.
  • A representative from the health service.
  • A representative from the social care service.

Other relevant people should be invited, for example, youth offending teams and job coaches.

After the meeting, the school will have two weeks to send a report of the meeting to everyone invited. The report will set out recommendations on any changes to the EHCP.

It will also explain any differences between the school’s recommendations and of anyone else who attended the meeting.

We will have four weeks after the meeting to decide whether to keep the EHCP as it is, to make changes to the plan, or to end the plan. We will then let the young person or child’s parent, and the school, know of our decision.