What to expect when you leave care

Use this guide to help you understand what to expect when you leave care.

When will I leave care?

When you are looked after by us, your time in care will end at some point. This can happen in a few different ways.

If you are still in care when you are 18 and you have a care order, this will end automatically. This means that you are independent.

When you're over 16, you can ask to have your care order stopped. You'll need to go through the court process to do this. You can talk to your social worker and independent review officer about this, or contact an advocate for extra support if you think that will help you.

If you're over 16, and you have been accommodated without a care order, this can end at any time if you, us and your parents agree. If you would prefer to stay looked after, you can do this, even if you parents don’t agree.

It can be an exciting yet scary time when you are leaving care. There is a lot to think about – paying bills, studying or working, looking after yourself, cooking and cleaning (and having fun and time for yourself of course!).

So, what will happen when I turn 16?

If you've been looked after for 13 weeks since you were 14, and you are still looked after when you are 16 (a bit confusing!), then you will be able to get help from our leaving care service. It's their job to make sure that you have a social worker, financial assistance, and somewhere to live.

To make sure that you are ready to live on your own, you will get a new social worker when you turn 16 (or when you are 15 and nearly 16). It is their job to support you and to help you think about what you can do to get ready to live on your own once you are 18.

They will also:

  • give information, advice and support throughout the time that you will be leaving care
  • help you in completing and reviewing your pathway plan
  • give you links to other services that you may need
  • help you undertake tasks yourself, rather than doing tasks for you.

And, just because you have a new social worker, it does not mean that you will move from where you are living. Usually, you can stay where you are living if you are happy there.

If you're ready, you might move from where you are living to a place that gives you more independence. This is called semi-independent living. Your social worker and independent reviewing officer will talk to you about this when you are 15 or 16.

What's a pathway plan?

When you turn 16, your new social worker will talk to you and other people who are important to you to find out more about you and what your needs are.

They will help you to think about your future – what you're studying, what you want to do in the future, and your independence skills. You should be involved in these meetings to be able to say what your wishes and feelings are.

This is called a needs assessment, and it is something that the law says has to happen within three months after you turn 16.

Your needs assessment is written into what is called a pathway plan. Although it may seem like more paperwork, your pathway plan is there to help you to take control of your life. It is there to help you to plan future goals and tasks, and to deal with any worries that you have or challenges you may face.

A pathway plan will help you to:

  • prepare for living independently
  • get work or start a course
  • become self-sufficient
  • make a successful transition from care into your own home
  • build and sustain a permanent home for yourself
  • plan for the unexpected
  • achieve your goals and ambitions.

You will complete your pathway plan and review it at least every six months. Your plan will be written down and you will get a copy of this.

You will have this plan until you are 21, or 24 if you are in further education or training. Your social worker will keep working with you until you are 18, and will help you plan for the future, continue to make sure that you are safe and that all of your needs are met.