Apply to be a food market trader

Use this guide to help you find out what you need to do to become a licensed food market trader and the legal requirements that you must consider.

Food safety management (HACCP)

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is an internationally recognised and recommended system of food safety management. It focuses on identifying the critical points in a process where food safety problems (hazards) could arise. It also outs steps in place to prevent things going wrong. This is sometimes referred to as controlling hazards.

Keeping records is also an important part of HACCP systems. As a food business operator, you must:

  • ensure that all food is sold in a hygienic manner
  • identify food safety hazards
  • understand which steps in your operation are critical for food safety
  • make sure that for these steps, safety controls are in place, maintained and reviewed.

Food safety hazards could be anything that may cause harm to customers through illness or injury. The presence of foreign material in food, such as glass, metal or chemical contamination, has the potential to cause food poisoning.

The controls for these hazards do not have to be complex. There are a number of systems that can be used by food businesses to ensure that hazards are identified and ways are found to control them.

There are several standard documented food safety management systems in use. One example is Safer Food Better Business, which can be downloaded from the Food Standards Agency website. Or, you may be able to use your own bespoke system.

Whichever system you choose to use must comply with Article 5 of Regulation (EC) 852/2004. This requires food business operators to put in place, implement and maintain a permanent procedure, or procedures, based on HACCP principles. This will ensure that the food they produce is safe.

Some foods require additional control measures, such as burgers to be served less than thoroughly cooked, sushi and oysters. These will require additional consideration to ensure that specific legislative requirements and industry guidance is met.

Unless you are able to satisfy Lambeth's Food Health and Safety Team that adequate controls will be in place throughout, we would not permit such products to be sold at Lambeth markets or events.