Weir Estate Bee Road

A Lambeth Bee Road site on part of the Weir Estate in Balham

At Weir Estate we worked with residents and local volunteers to seed a floral meadow margin around a prominent grassed area. A long-flowering seed mix was used including sun-loving species such as wild carrot, musk mallow, meadow cranesbill, yarrow, perennial flax and meadow clary. 

In spring 2023, we removed turf from three 15-metre-long sections of the margin, covering the exposed ground with a layer of low-fertility soil. Using sterile low-fertility soil as a substrate for seeds provides good conditions for wildflowers to establish and helps to reduce encroachment by grasses and weeds. We mixed seeds with sawdust to make distribution easier and then covered the seeded areas with horticultural fleece to protect germinating seedlings.

Plug plants were added nearby and the grass and flowers were left to grow until the autumn, providing habitat for invertebrates and forage for pollinators. Nectar-rich bulbs including crocus, wild daffodils and alliums were later added to the margins and flowerbeds. 

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Weir Estate
London SW12 0AA
United Kingdom


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Wildflower and grass meadows on Weir Estate