Thornton Road Bee Road

Image of Small Tortoiseshell butterfly on flower

Thornton Road is being transformed into a floral highway in spring 2024, with eight of the street’s verges converted to wildflowers. Protected verges have been selected without coming into conflict with any adjacent parking. The grass is removed and low-growing wildflowers of high value to wildlife are seeded into a layer of low-fertility soil.  

Each area will be fenced and covered with a germination fleece to protect the ground from seed-hungry birds and animals and to provide optimum conditions for germination, warming the soil and trapping humidity at ground level. The new meadow verges will be maintained with an annual cut and collect of the clippings. 

Flowers to look out for include in the first year cornfield annuals such as corn poppies, cornflower, and corn marigold, and afterwards perennial wildflowers should come through such as wild carrot, ox-eye daisy, field scabious, greater and lesser knapweeds, meadow buttercup and bird's foot trefoil.

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Thornton Road
London SW12 0AA
United Kingdom
