Myatt’s Fields South Estate Bee Road

A Lambeth Bee Roads site next to Myatt's Fields South Estate in Brixton

At Myatts Field South we worked with residents and local volunteers to plant shade-tolerant wildflowers into grass verges, plug gaps in the hedging along Mostyn Road and create a mini-meadow next to the estate’s community-run Boiler Garden.

Volunteers planted beech, hornbeam, and hawthorn hedging whips, shade-tolerant wildflower plugs and woodland bulbs such as native bluebells. We also created a hibernaculum out of rubble, to provide shelter for amphibians from the Boiler Garden’s pond. An area of shade-tolerant wildflower turf next to the Boiler Garden provides nectar and pollen for pollinators. 

Flowers to spot in the verges include primroses and cow parsley in the spring and nettle-leaved bellflower and dame’s violet in the summer. As with other Bee Roads, grass in the verges is left to grow through the summer and then cut with clippings removed in the autumn. This is a particularly fertile verge and so extra ‘cut-and-collects’ may be carried out in early spring to help reduce soil fertility.

We are grateful to residents for their support for this project and enthusiasm to enhance biodiversity on the estate. The Boiler Garden offers gardening and food-growing activities for residents and local volunteers. 

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Myatt’s Fields South Estate
London SW9 6BF
United Kingdom


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Shady wildflower meadows and gardening on Mostyn Road