Mortality and life expectancy

A description of the statistics on life expectancy of the resident population of Lambeth.

Mortality and life expectancy are affected by health inequalities and inequities. We analyse data from multiple sources to help explain trends in life expectancy, causes of avoidable mortality and how they might affect the population of Lambeth.

Lambeth JSNA materials

In 2022 Lambeth produced a health profile of the borough. Section 2 describes how and why the life expectancy and mortality of the population of the borough has changed. 

View the Health Profile for Lambeth 2022 - Section 2 (PDF 1.3MB)

Health inequalities

Health inequalities are unfair and avoidable differences in health across the population and between different groups within society. Health inequalities arise because of the conditions in which we are born, grow, live, work and age. Health inequalities are not caused by one single issue, but a complex mix of environmental and social factors which play out in a local area, or place - this means that local areas have an important role to play in reducing health inequalities

View the Health inequalities in Lambeth - Joint Strategic Needs Summary 2020-21

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing has been an area of focus in Lambeth for many years. Through our local partnerships we have developed innovative and person-centred approaches to supporting people affected by mental illness. Rates of suicide in Lambeth are generally lower than England. This strategy provides a multi-agency framework for action across the life-course to prevent avoidable loss of life through suicide. It draws on local experience and research evidence, aiming to prevent suicide and promote mental health and wellbeing.

View the Lambeth Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-25 (PDF 415KB)

External JSNA materials

OHID Premature Mortality Profile 

This tool brings together a selection of mortality indicators from other PHE public health profiles, in order to make it easier to assess outcomes across a range of causes of death. The tool contains those mortality indicators which were previously only available in PHE’s Longer Lives tool, which has now been removed. 

View the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities - Premature Mortality Profile 

Older publications

In 2017 Lambeth produced a factsheet on suicide. View the Lambeth suicide factsheet 2017 (PDF 665KB)

In 2015 Lambeth produced a factsheet on resident life expectancy. View the Lambeth life expectancy factsheet 2015 (PDF 528KB)