Care and support for you

Use this guide to help you work out if you are eligible for care and support, and what to do if your care worker has not turned up.

If an adult is at risk of abuse or neglect

Report abuse of an adult

If you think a vulnerable adult is being abused in any way, you should report this as a safeguarding concern.

If someone is in immediate danger, call the police on 999. 

What to do in an emergency

If you think a crime has been committed, you should contact the police on either 999,  101 or report online via the Met Police website.

Safeguarding adults

Safeguarding adults means protecting them from abuse or neglect by getting the right support in place as early as possible, and to create an environment in which they feel safe and healthy.

There are many types of abuse and neglect which are defined in the Care Act 2014, such as: 

  • physical abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • financial abuse
  • psychological abuse
  • self-neglect
  • domestic abuse
  • organisational abuse
  • modern-day slavery
  • discriminatory abuse 

Complete the safeguarding form

Please do not use this form for any other purpose. Only complete it if you consider the adult in question, or yourself, to be in danger of abuse or neglect.