Apply for a special treatment establishment licence

Anyone wishing to offer massages and other special treatments at premises within the borough needs to hold a valid licence. 

Special treatments include UV tanning, sauna, manicure, pedicure, electrolysis, cosmetic piercing, acupuncture and tattooing.

Costs for a special treatment establishment licence vary depending on the type of treatment.


Tattooing and/or body piercing£918

All other treatments including:

  • massage
  • sauna
  • nail
  • beauty
  • water
  • electrical treatments


Fees for transfer and variation of 1991 Act licences

Transfer licensee or alter person in control, other than licensee£253
Duplicate licence£113
One-day event£281


Licence variation fees for practitioner (during licence period)

Add a new practitioner£79
New treatment to be offered on the premises£79

What you need to know...

The licence must cover the premises and everyone offering treatments. To carry out treatments without a current licence is illegal.

You must still have an annual licence under the 1991 act if your premises held:

  • a massage or special treatment licence
  • a cosmetic skin piercing registration under previous legislation.

Do it online 

Apply to licence premises for massage or other treatments