Residential care and nursing homes

Residential and nursing homes are for people over the age of 18 who live in Lambeth, and who are no longer able to remain living at home independently.

A residential care home provides accommodation, meals and personal care for older people, people with disabilities, or people who are unable to manage at home, for whatever reason.

The level of care varies from home to home and includes help with:

  • eating
  • washing
  • bathing
  • dressing
  • toilet needs
  • caring for you if you become ill.

However, residential care does not include nursing care.

What is nursing care?

Nursing care homes are similar to residential care homes, but with trained nurses on duty. You might want to consider a nursing home if you or your family member has a condition that needs regular medical attention.

How to pick a home

The decision to recommend a residential or nursing home will only be made after a social care assessment. If a nursing home is recommended, then we also have to agree to this. You can also consider homes in other local authority areas if your needs will be better met there.

When choosing a home, it is important to make sure that you choose one that will be right for you both now and in the future.

You can get advice and information to help you make this important decision from:

  • your social worker or assessor
  • a district nurse
  • a health visitor
  • your family doctor.

You can find a list of the residential and nursing homes on the Care Quality Commission website. The Care Quality Commission is responsible for inspecting all residential homes.

Age UK provide lots of information including tips on how to find a good care home and advice on paying for it on their website. Age UK, arranging care in care homes.

Mencap's website also has a section on housing for adults with learning disabilities which includes lots of information about the options available. Mencap housing FAQs.

If you would like guidance on care homes, you can Contact the Lambeth Adult Social Care team.